When Jesus said, "My Kingdom is no part of this world", and we are to "seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness"; there is no room remaining for the political discourse and failed ideologies many become snared by in America and abroad. Make no mistake friends, political rhetoric is merely a distraction from His Kingdom. Having your eyes and heart focused on Jesus Christ alone is imperative in these times. We are absolutely being divided by design. I'll say this again; the broadening division in this country is coming from the beast. Do not be misled.
"He changes the times and seasons; He removes kings and establishes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning."
Daniel 2:21
"He makes nations great, and he destroys them; he enlarges nations, and leads them away."
Job 12:23
Our opinions and efforts, our anger and disputes concerning the political arena have no place in the Body of Christ. What we do is acknowledge that all things have been written before time, and that who what when where and why here in America has already been spoken. God is the order, Satan is the chaos. Spending our time on elections and the elected are but vanity and distraction. Our job is to be a vessel for the one Who causes us to become molded to the likeness of His Son. It's that simple. We should be able to turn off the tv, shut off our phone and be able to rest in His stillness.
Politics and politicians, nations and kingdoms are guided by the very hand that guides our step. They are doing God's work in His time and measure. Now is the time to literally, BEG THE MASTER TO SEND OUT WORKERS FOR THE HARVEST. We can see the chaos and confusion, the wars and drums of war daily. We see calamities today that are clearly prophetic in nature. The waves are around us and the storm is upon us. Many are in a wilderness, and many are seeking truth. As darkness approaches, our real focus should be upon sharing the Gospel and saving those lost. God's will is that all mankind be saved, and He will not do this through politics or religion, He will do it with His Words through our lips leading broken hearts to the feet of Jesus. Be a light. Be salt. Be a vessel worthy to carry Truth to the lost sheep among us. Do it now.
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