Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Blue in the face.

"...and the Lord added to The Church daily those that were to be saved."  Acts 2:47

Stop trying to convince people through their frontal lobe that our Father above, The Creator of all things, exists. Impossible and futile are our efforts in the physical to nudge God to act in the spiritual. Let the wicked be wicked, and shake the dust off your feet already. Move along to where The Spirit moves you. It will not be in the ears, but through the heart, that mankind shall be saved. The Truth of all things has already been made manifest to this Godless world. His name was Yahshua - Jesus and He has already came saw and conquored. Our witness will be perceived in the spiritual realm, and the physical nature of our reaching out must be surrendered to the perfect will of God. Our worship and our witness are spiritual.  With our lips we declare and proclaim; the rest and result thereof are not contingent on our efforts and abilities. The proclamation is such a foolishness to flesh. Kingdom citizenship is not based upon any effort we exhaust in our personal, intimate walk with God. We are led to spread Truth to ears that are called and foreknown and opened by God, not our capabilities or desires. We are but vessels and ambassadors of a Truth that can only be reckoned by God Himself spiritually and supernaturally. Our willingness to be sharers of Truth must be rooted in recognizing that it is The Lord who adds to His people. It is the nameless faceless and selfless He posesses. If your calling to God is preceded by some title, degree or prominent position, the Kingdom you are adding to is your own. You have effectively become your own God, and your kingdom is without power and purpose. Ministry is spiritual from root to fruit. Don't make God start using the stones to cry out, and humbly submit your will and willingness to the very one who called you by His own power and purpose.

  Gospel truth is a spiritual act beginning from above. It is The Lord who adds to His flock, and thus the humble and humbled are best suited to announce Truth, for we surely have realized that personal efforts based upon our abilities and desires have ended in pain and suffering. We can try to reach and teach people until we are blue in the face, but Truth is God breathed, Spirit directed and Christ centric. There is no truth down here on this rock. The only Truth IS The Rock, and His sheep will hear His voice through words not our own - they belong to Him. Knowing this, we are but vessels; carriers of something not belonging to this world, reaching those who belong to Him. Our King and Kingdom are in no way associated with or attached to this system. We belong here for Him, by Him and through Him, who calls those foreknown according to His perfect will and grace filled purpose. Churches will never understand this, but The Body of Christ will live and breathe this truth until our last breath.

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