Thursday, September 28, 2017

Simple chosen known.

God wants to know you. The building blocks that build our walls that separate us from Him, is our lack of faith and love for sin What changes that notion, and changes our motion, is God drawing one lost sheep, to the light of life His Son. God chooses. And Truth be told in my heart, you are either 100 percent in, or in misery and tribulation without Jesus. Unwilling to let go of what we want in those secret places where He is forgotten. He was and is in this life, God with us.

 Belief. A wanton abandon of all this world is a gift from God, and just like grace, faith comes from above. Our drawing towards God is at its core, our seeking Him humbly because we see our sin and know, that we need saved. We know that its wrong and somehow separating us from God. Holiness is to see, the riches that His presence brings in life. Changed into someone, that is just like His Son. In the end that rightousness, we shall get to see. And in that moment there surely must be, a recognition of the amazing gift that His grace fully meant for our eternal life.

To whom do you belong to today?

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