It is fulfilled prophecy in these times that faith in God has been tossed aside as foolishness and folly, specifically, a faith in God our Father through His Son Jesus. When I was a kid, our town shut down on Sunday morning because the pews were full of folks who at least made the effort to excersize faith in Jesus. Almost everyone went to a church. We prayed in school when I was a kid. That is laughable by today's benchmark liberalism, and in many cases illegal. Immorality was not promoted as progress and inclusivity, and the working man's dollar was more honest and less taxable . That was less than 45 years ago. What appears to be progress is not that at all. It is the decline of a society brinking on desperation in its separation from The Lord. Evolution is now taught as fact. Abortion, is now a right, a choice, and ever so convenient. In harsh truth, we are enslaved to a system that is ruled by money and corruption and Satan. Science has replaced faith overwhelmingly. The political tentacles are reaching deep into our everyday lives, as men try to engineer the solutions and outcomes of self created problems built upon evil agendas. The intent of this world is darkness masquerading as light. We witness the blind leading the blind into a pit, and it will soon be a crime to respond to their cries with Christ Jesus as the way out. To increase our faith, our exposure to this world now, must decrease. These are the days to draw ever close to the only real source of relief and calm in the chaos. Be still friends and know God is working out these things for our good.
I do not often mention my personal spiritual growth. However, I am finding sin and the darkness of this world in general more repulsive than ever. It's a righteous anger, for at its core lies a real pain for what the people of this world put themselves and our patient loving creator through. It too aches me of the stripes I have placed upon the back of He who so desires to carry our burdens and sorrow. What a delusion this is, as creation is being served and honored and worshipped, without regard to The Creator. Mother earth without Father God. It's truly a delusion. Men seem more compelled to seek tangible measures to what are spiritual problems. Satan has truly succeeded in blinding the minds of people who would seek faith in Christ. The pride of this Godless generation is apparent when people would rather takes selfies than to be, selfless.
Take comfort you peculiar seekers of truth, for within you lies a power rooted in a faith that can move any mountain. This world is passing away, but God's love and loyalty to His Word is not. Why fear what has already been conquored? Why toil when it has been accomished? The hidden treasure we have found in having unfailing faith in God's Word will always appear to be foolish to a crooked generation. We serve who we know. We store what cannot perish. We cannot lose what we have found, and we cannot fail when within us reigns, The Lord of all things forever.
God bless you, Brother. Amen.