Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Spirit and truth and life.

  Worshiping God in Spirit and Truth. There is a lot said in those Words. Holy Spirit Spirit and Jesus is the Truth. We cannot worship God without,  The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ . Its all three as one or nothing at all. We worship God in our mind and heart as He holds our soul. I know some believers with testimony and stories and pain and struggle and redemption, there is a passion, a fire not our own there. A worship and relationship so personal, so real and so clay to the Potter's hands, that it supersedes a denomination or sect or church or building or ministry or man or woman in your life period. It is our life. This kind of life its a choosing, a molding, it has discipline and joy. Its realer than any relationship in our life. It cannot compare to anything physical and of the flesh. Its Holy Spiritual and Jesus beautiful. We cannot let go. He will not let us for we know of His grace and faith. We speak of our purpose in Lord Jesus  because it is not our own life anymore. Its different. Its His will, not against ours, but a willingness to trust Him beyond our own ability on which roads He may lead.  Such mercy He has in sweet patience that when we realize the weight of His sacrifice in light of our sins...we hate sinning. It inhibits a calling so great that we give in to Gods will, in a surrender of everything of this world that only He can author and complete.

There is no church. There is just, the Body of Christ. Those belonging to Him in a church without walls. A love without borders. A faith in constant yearning for more belief, and more purpose. You see, real Christianity is not hidden under any roof. Gods word is a light in the darkness. His Church is more commissioned to proclaim, instead of pastor. It is a ministry focused life. Thats what His eyes do upon opon  our walk. We want somebody else so bad to know Him that it becomes our new life. For God is Spirit, and we must worship Him, in Spirit and Truth.

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