Sunday, September 3, 2017

Asleep at the Wheel.

Luke 21:34
And take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts ever be burdened with dissipation and drunkenness and the cares of life--and that day would come upon you suddenly as a snare.

Distraction. It is everywhere often and right at your fingertips. The enemy of our souls engages his targets in many ways, and often these means are concealed so transparently and innocently in our lives that we become unaware of their presence; the abnormal slowly becomes the norm. This is what Jesus was warning His followers about in the verse above. Distraction mathematically is what Christ warned us about more often than any other snare. This word "cares"  used in Luke 21 is translated today as anxieties or worries. In the Greek, it is 'merimna', and it literally means "to draw one into a different direction". That is something to really think about. The subtle nature of Satan's attack is both ruthless and innocent. Anything but Jesus. Every other worry weight and struggle and even success is sure to eventually lead us into a place where we are easy targets far away from the One we once followed so closely. 

I write this today because it is on my heart to address the asleep at the wheel condition of professing Christians. The inclusive nature of a flock filled with passive believers has all but rendered churches powerless social forums. This softening of the Gospel in my opinion is our enemy's best weapon. It leads otherwise truth seekers into a lie that grace is handed out like candy to believers. That is wormwood. Let's get it straight. GOD draws people to His Son. Belief starts from above. And look at the ministry of John the Baptist. Repentance for remission of sins. Not grace for all who accept Jesus as Savior. It is the fault of the flock for not holding pastors teachers and preachers accountable for the whitewashed watered down truth being spoken from the pulpit. Was not the Holy Spirit sent to guide and teach us ALL things. I can say this with certainty: Holy Spirit has been screaming repentance into my life and to others I call brothers and sisters in ways now undeniable. When He returns, shall He find faith?

Welcome to the sign of Jonah being borne along in modern days. This twisted generation shall seek signs that our enemy will employ. The Gospel of repentance is being felt by many Spirit led ambassadors of Christ right now. It is no coincidence either. You see, unless a person is Holy Spirit baptised, real change will always be difficult and cumbersome. In truth it is a duality of why we change and Who changes us. It is GOD who will us to act and obey in His will. It is GOD who conforms us to image of Jesus, and it is GOD who grants us the power and heart and wisdom to truly, turn around. God makes faith grow, not us. The Body of Christ is a group who can attest to the change within and know that heartfelt repentance is God's glory and grace being revealed within men. I personally, was powerless to change myself, and at times today, unless I really hand something over in faith to my Lord, I will find myself swimming upstream with my distractions, whatever they may be. 

How many today, are asleep at the wheel? Life is not about living, it is about dying to our flesh. While Satan boldly makes His presence fill our lives, we evermore must beg our Lord and Savior to examine our hearts and every niche of our life that is not of Him. Do not be troubled friends, we can overcome. We can thirst and hunger for right living.  We can also hand full control of our daily life over to the one Who came and saw and conquored. Trust rely and hope in He who watches over our souls. Simplify life to see our Lord work within us completely. Repent of what ails your faith, and know that He who began such a beautiful work within us will see it's completion for God's will and glory to be witnesses by those who watch our walk with scrutiny and accusation. Reach for spiritual gifts and long for holy upright living, for the Day of the Lord is soon at hand. Do not turn to the left or the right. Keep your eyes fixed upon Jesus. Be still and know what voice belongs to God. 

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