Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Religion is not relationship: A message to the churches built on sand.

  It is the year 241 A.D. and there is no electric or Bible yet, but plenty of light and power in the world  This was the year the first known Christian church was built - it was a house church, and it had no denomination or tax exempt status or paid pastor, no attachment to anything but Jesus Christ.  Built in Dura-Eurpops, Syria stands the oldest known and preserved house of assembly where believers in Jesus came together to break bread and speak of the Lord's goodness and witness in their life. It operated much like the early ecclesia that we read of in Acts. Gathering together brings unity in purpose and desire among believers - It is all about the advancement of the Gospel and being light and salt in a crazy world spinning around. Today we stand a far cry from what the Holy Spirit and real testimony built back in those days as Christian religions act as corporations, mediators and idolaters to the Lord, serving Mammom instead of seeking ministry.  What is lacking today is Spirit and Truth. These two things are what build the church, and its denial turns Cathedrals into social clubs. You are better of in a bar in my opinion. In reality, many of the christian religions that seek members and tithes and some face time on Sunday face judgment, for the house of faith that they have trusted in is tangible and of this world. The TRUE CHURCH has no walls. If you do not believe this, I care not.. Willful ignorance will not forever be bliss. Judgment is coming first to the churches, and most will suffer a dire and proper measure of the many lies they have egregiously promoted in the name of your 10% in the pew every Sunday.  Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, Adventists, Catholics, Mormons Jehovah's Witnesses - ALL of you will fall to never rise again.The humble shall be exalted.  Jesus was a carpenter - yet He never built a single church. Do you not find this very telling?  There were thousands being saved during and after His presence here so...where did they go? Out into the darkness, becoming salt and light to a world in need of repentance redemption and love and grace. Today we have the notion that all that light and salt needs to be under a roof on Sunday. Its preposterous to think that what the Holy Spirit did then will not do again today.  The real church is being built out in the gutters and alleys, in the places many churches avoid. From a 10,000 foot view it is easy to see who the modern day Pharisee's are - they are the ones you call bishop rabbi teacher and father. Fruitage is not about the size of your church -  Fruitage is of the Holy Spirit alone, and you are none of His if your power and authority is commissioned by a man constructed religion. True religion is true relationship, and there is no other mediator. It is just that simple.

   In the time early Christians built zero churches, America has built over 400,000. We have 40,000 different denominations of Christianity today, and not one of them is truth - JESUS is truth. None of these religions will save you - JESUS is the way, and no brick and mortar churches in America, be it a Catholic Cathedral, a Mormon Temple or a Jehovah Witness kingdom hall is life - JESUS is life. Welcome to the era of Judas Iscariot revisited. To the churches who are corporations carrying tax exempt status and a marketing strategy; you are none of His. It has been spoken. Get out of her NOW!!!

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