Tuesday, January 31, 2017

God Speaks

I recall in my youth, trying to understand how God spoke to Moses or Abraham, imagining this thundering mighty voice in a deep English language that made the earth shake and the heavens move. Somehow I reckoned that someone all powerful could never reach man in a whispered quiet tone; that the Word of God would be resonated throughout this earth whenever uttered. At this place in my life, I realize the foolish box we create to place our God into, and the quiet nature I have come to know whenever He speaks to me. I used to think it was absolute insanity and perhaps even blasphemous that people outside of my religion heard from the Lord or were somehow having this running conversation with this Jehovah that seemed so unreachable to me - this foolishness of my younger days before I knew Him will one day confound the wise, for He does speak and in ways as gentle as a whisper as He did with Elijah, or in Hebrews 12 when His voice shook the earth.  It does seem way out there that the Creator of all things would individualize and make personal His attempts at man; but again know that this generation of mankind often have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear. Those regarded as His church appear fools and orphans to this world. Blinded and confused this Godless people today often regard anything is acceptable in faith but the notion that He is an individual and personal God.  In my own walk with the Lord I often am reminded of Him and His voice in my life in the still and quiet places where I am seeking Him, or for His will and purpose, He is seeking me. Does God speak to people? Absolutely and unequivocally yes. How does He do so? Any way He wants to and any way He can, for His communication is as personal to our lives and history and heart as necessary to be heard. If God is speaking to you, know this: This voice is Jesus and it builds a bond of faith unbreakable. Those who know His voice...none shall be able to cast away from this. His Word becomes such a bonding agent to our walk in faith with Him that it is not physically or spiritually able to be separated. When one knows that they are hearing from God Sovereign Supreme Eternal, it changes everything, mostly the hearer themselves. His Word will never return to Him without the result for which it was intended. It was with Him and was Him in the beginning. God spoke the worlds into existence, and everything that was ever created was done so by His Word. It is power and Spirit and truth and life and light and unchangeable. The many aspects of God's Word, written and spoken, can be both the whisper in your mind and the still voice in the silent room.  It can be the time of the day or the season of your life. It can be heard while doing the dishes or eating your dinner;  it can be heard planting seeds or pulling weeds. It is not only that He knows when and where to find us in a place to receive Him, it is also parallel to our heart and our life and all of its experience. For me in my life, it is always right on time, for when He speaks He knows we are in and at a place where we will hear with ears of keen discernment and wisdom. The Word of God, is everything.


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