Wednesday, February 8, 2017
watchmen and prophets...
I used to read articles and watch videos by self proclaimed watchman and last days prophets who had heard from the Lord regarding modern day events and spoken or written accordingly. I have learned in this journey of developing perception this: It does not belong to mankind to direct his solitary step (Jeremiah 10:23), let alone know the way to walk these days, apart from God and all that He is and does. Many have been proven to be a liars, deceived themselves. (Romans 3:4) Unfounded hope can be quite a thief to the flock, and many have had eager expectations crushed under the weight of time and occurrence. I understand that hearing from the Lord and speaking for the Lord are separate consequentially - I have spoken out of line when translating His words to fit my imperfect perceptions; and I have learned to listen more than speak. There is nothing more humbling than to speak prophecy and warning for the Lord only to realize that these directives and diologue did not come from the Lord.
I say all of that to say simply this: Jesus warned so often of deception in these times for good reason. Deceit today is coming from well meaning believers who are being used for confusion rather than purposed for unity.
I believe there are those within Christianity that spend more time and effort in search and research of Anti-Christ than seeking the heart of Christ Jesus Himself, when It is our Lord's covering and protection that will make this Man of Sin and Son of Perdition irrelevant to our walk as faithful ones. We have no need to fear or be overly consumed with wandering in these things, for in due time, these things will be revealed in spiritual clarity and Godly wisdom to those under his cloak of protection and purpose. There will be a time when the watchmen and prophets will be distinct from the led and mislead, but for many, that time is lost now in the mass of confusion we see influencing The Church - it borderlines Gnosticism and in the end, many will seek out followers after themselves unto destruction. In my experience, the way to hear from God is to seek Him out - to really search and pray, and that alone can be done in and through Jesus Christ, The Word of God. Test the Spirits as to the source of its inspiration, for our Adversary seeks to confront the mind of man with trickery and trouble, leading hearts astray when they become burdened with confusion and smooth words. These are the days that will either define our end or refine our beginning. Know the voice of The Shepherd, for all else is subject to influences and spirits that seek to stop us in fear and uproot our faith. A hungry lion is out to devour those unafraid of its roar.
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