Monday, March 15, 2021


 People who have a real living breathing relationship with YAH thru Yeshua are talking about Torah. 

'He will turn the heart's of the sons back to thier fathers.'  

I can't imagine that any one believer is following Torah right now. It is this rule: You break one you break all. Striving after the Law us futility. It is a spiritual obedience, not physical acts.  However, there is observably a trend toward feasts, Torah and the Old Testament. Why?  Hearts are changing. HE Is changing them. Now.

You see beards now a lot more. That is more than a fad. You see people being more prepared and self sufficient. Many are being called into places unknown. I know many who have or are planning to move into rural forgotten areas because there is 100 percent a divine purpose beyond ones understanding. My own brother and his family are in transition of selling thier upper middle place and go 2 hours south into the sweet hills of Kentucky. Why all of this?

There is a sifting going on. Its beyond religion. It is effecting people in many sects and denominations. Its absolutley supernatural. A great dividing as if by sword.  A calling is silentley going out into this world. I can see this and hear it so plainly I want to shout it from the roof tops. But my words cannot save anyone. Only Yah's Word, His Logos - Yeshua can save. He is doing this now. Always has been. But today, He is calling His bride for a great marriage feast. The invitation is loud for those that can hear. Plain to those that can see. 

Things are not what they seem. The Church is not whom or what they seem. Nameless faceless and selfless people who seem foolish and small are performing huge advances for Truth because God works through faith, not by sight. He knows His own. They hear and listen and no man could ever convince them otherwise. When you know He know's you the effect is a life become founded upon knowing Him. Thats my belief. 

Will I ever abide in Torah in this ragged old flesh? No way.

Can I abide in Him in this ragged old flesh?

Absolutley. Thats what His heart desires of me. 


May it be so


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