Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Who will save your soul?


Shadrech Meshach and Abednego. We all know the story of these three Hebrew men who passed through the fire; refusing to bow to the golden image set in Babylon. But there is much more to this story. You see, the stories in the Old Testament are reflected in the new. They are also prophetic in nature and intent. The layers in the bible are so convincingly purposed that it compels me to become a believer well beyond what is rational and physically reasonable. They convey and mirror much more than folklore; they are spiritual in origin. This story in the Bible is amazing when we peel back the layers exposing the message contained therein. Lets take a deeper look at what this story really means.

  First of all, the names we know these three men by were not thier real names. Thier birth names were: (Daniel 2:17) Then Daniel went to his house, and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions..."

Hanniah: Mercy is a gift from the Lord
Mishael: Who is what God is?
Azariah: Yah has helped.

  However the names given to them by Nebuchadnezzar are Babylonian in origin. In Daniel chapter three Nebuchadnezzar did not refer to them by their birth names, and according to His words, the meaning of thier names were changed to the following:

 Shadrach: under the command of Aku - the       Babylonian moon god.
 Meshach: Royal guest of the king Aku.
 Abednego: Servant of the king of Nebo, the.   god of wisdom.

More interesting is the name of the Angel that was in the fire with these three. Nebuchadnezzar referred to this angel as Malak, meaning...the door. Jesus, is the door.

Who saved these three Hebrew boys? Jesus did. Who is like Yah, for he is our helper and he gives us the gift of mercy. Thats what thier names meant. Yah passed them through the fire untouched and unsinged so much so that a decree was passed in Babylon that day that anyone who spoke evil of Yah was to be put to death. Wow.

The fire again is coming. This world will again, become a furnace, the elements becoming intensely hot shall melt. Who will save you? Who gives the gift of mercy? Who is like God? Who is the door?

Jesus is. Was. And will be.

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