Friday, January 4, 2019

A walk on the Water

Matthew 14:30-31
[30]But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
[31]And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

Peter accepted the invitation to follow Jesus to impossible places...that fire of faith carried him for minute upon the waters. It was the distraction of the wind and waves; the fears born in that natural that effected his faith in the spiritual. Our perception of the things that distract us diminish when our walk is led by spiritual eyes. If we only knew of the ramifications of our many distractions, we would allow our eyes of discernment to be blind to the world and opened to Christ's way for our life in following Him. Peter didn't drown because Jesus was there to lift Him out. Our walk is no different. Jesus saved Peter before he sunk because He cried out 'Lord save me!' He is our salvation then and now.

Peter responded to the fear of losing his life in that moment. Distraction and fear would have killed Peter without Jesus being close enough to save him immediately. Thats how fast Jesus saves. Immediately. Peter became afraid from what He saw in the storm, not by Who made those first steps even possible. To walk upon waters by invitation of The Lord is to hear this story's full intent:

 What it takes to walk towards Him is impossible without His hand catching us when we need Him. We are all and often, Peter on the ocean.

 The foundation of our faith must be a Who, and not a what or where or when. He did save us, He is saving us, and He will save us.  Jesus IS God's salvation manifest to the world, found in the storms of your life. If you call upon Him He WILL hear you,  for He invites you He is the very hand that saves you and The One who called you to walk upon the water. That calling is come in His gift of faith that it requires to even pursue such a tribulation filled journey.

On the water, in the ocean, during the storm. He is there.

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