Inexplicable. We cannot reach into the mind and ways of God and explain how, who and what He is and does. An immutable truth remains: God is Sovereign, and He is for us. He is both merciful and just, He is a calm presence yet awesome in power. Whom He chooses and has chosen to fulfill His grand design in proving our enemy a lie is a work we can only accept and appreciate. Whom does God save through Jesus Christ? Any whom he chooses.
He can raise up a Cyrus, and harden the heart of Pharoah. He can humble a Nebuchadnezzar and choose a prostitute like Rahab to do His will. He chose a doubting Thomas, He turned Saul into Paul and Peter into Cephas. He can test and bless men like Job, and choose a simple Shepard in David to rule over a kingdom. He causes men to rise and fall, to live and die in the greatest acts of love often overlooked. He is the reason for our storms so we can ever reach Him more. Behold the restitution of all things through the redeeming grace through Jesus Christ in His divine story at work. He is found in the lives of the humble weak and hungry. He is greatest to the smallest and strongest in our weakness.
You see, there is a truth to finding and following Jesus as the way that confounds those blind proud and religious. The true church of God begins from above. A life of faith begins with God's Spirit compelling the heart of men to His Son. God draws people to Himself. There is no prayer you can say or thing you can do that will make a person accepted. You are chosen. You are chosen because God changes the hearts minds and lives to those He has foreknown and has loved us first for His glory to be revealed. It is a spiritual experience and not a physical pursuit. Christianity begins from above when the hand of God Almighty reaches down to another and reaches the secret inner heart within. Born again with Spirit and no longer of this world. Thanks be to our Father through His Son Jesus for so choosing all He calls for His good perfect and complete will to be accomplished.
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