Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Reflecting Christ within.

  In truth, there is a desperate reality in our lives in Jesus Christ: We cannot save anyone independent of God's will. Often it seems that our faith is a walk through a wilderness that leads us to lonely places and broken people sharing a desperate hunger for truth and meaning.  We shine in darkness and that is His light. It is God loving people through people. The eyes of this world are upon you friends wherever you go. Is it Christ Jesus within you they see? Do they see who seeks to save them?

I have found that it is hard to be in this world but citizens of another kingdom. Aliens we are in the land of an enemy who seeks destruction and discord. Our entire system is one of the blind leading the blind. We will never be able to reach every ear with life's eternal water, but many eyes they are upon you. The way we live in a humble spirit of love joy and peace speaks so loudly to those who internally are searching for their own lost soul. There lacks a greater meaning in people's lives today. The love of this world leads to insecurity and darkness. Therefore, walk with purpose, for in Christ Jesus, every step has divine intent and power. This is a harvest. Walk then, as He walked. Walk towards the deep wilderness with Light in hand. We are messengers of a salvation not our own. God, so loved the world. Never forget that.

We carry with us THE name above all names. It has power beyond what we can fathom. It has love uncontainable, merciful and abundant in kindness. Who we represent is who we become; the only seed of truth left remaining in this world. Our salvation is not of our own will. God loved us first. How many people are you loving?

If Jesus was walking among us today, would you recognize Him? Do people see God's love in Christ within you? Are you living a selfless life of peaceful abandon and seeing God's will in your storms? Does your pain have purpose? All those people out there that were once us hurt as we did. They are hurting right now.  How can we be silent about such an amazing grace?  

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