I believe that our Father places thoughts within our hearts. It is the seed and seat of ones motivation. It is not much universal as it is personal. Every morning I read The Word. It's part of my typical day. There is not a day that passes during the week where before I leave my residence I open up The Good Book that has exposed myself and read me back. I just finished the book of Acts and it was amazing to feel like I was there. The notion was placed upon me to next travel back to the beginning of it all. The book of Exodus. What a story it has been so far.
I think about thusfar how a man called Moses had the divine gift to hear from Yahweh, raised by the enemy until He was called to run from his youth into a wilderness and then return to be a salvation to his roots and heritage. I cannot imagine literally audiblly hearing from our Father, and then trying to bargain with Him over semantics. However, Yah understood the man. The purpose and objectives of our Father shall be done. We are ideally powerless, without His power. He was willing to choose someone who needed someone to speak for him. Is that not what we are? Spokesman...
It brings me a level of comfort to know that Yahweh has not hardened my heart. I have not chosen to listen in as much as He has brought me up to a point where I want and need to hear. I long to hang up on His word. It is a real thing how God chooses things and places and instances in our life where we become humble enough to hear. And to want to do that.
I was such a stubborn child. Rebellious from birth. I am today very grateful for every difficult place and things I have experienced that has brought me to a place where I long to listen. I'm not proud of myself. I am thankful for God's amazing love.
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