Friday, June 15, 2018

The Intersessor

Luke 22: 31-2: And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat; But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

The desire of our enemy is in direct opposition to God's will. Dwell upon what Jesus was telling Peter because it's a big deal: 'I know Satan and he wants you to be chaff and not wheat. He wants you to fail. He wants your faith to fail. He desires your soul...'

Why did Satan desire Peter so? Because Peter would strengthen His brothers. Our enemy is wise despite being condemned. Jesus was telling Peter not to worry, '...I have prayed for you...' Take note: It seems Satan knew of Peter's impact in Christ. Jesus didn't state anything like this before or since to anyone in scripture, but He was letting Peter know specifically that He was being watched and wanted, and for a valid reason I believe. You see, Peter's testimony and example would build the Body of believers and and it was deadly to Satan's agenda. He needed to take Peter out somehow. But Peter and we have an advocate, an Intersessor, in Christ Jesus:

Luke 22: 32. 'But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen your brothers'.

Jesus prayed for Peter, not that He would avoid sifting and temptation and such from Satan, but that His faith would not fail. What defeats and repels our enemy? Faith in Christ Jesus. Interesting it is I believe, that Jesus didn't pray to give Peter strength to endure Satan's attempts. Jesus prayed for Peters faith to not fail. Peter would be tempted and tried yes, but His faith would prevail. In these words He was telling Peter: YOU WILL OVERCOME.

Satan's got tricks and plans, but his wisdom is limited to his agenda. Just look at His glaring loss in asking God permission to tempt Job. Satan knew of Job's protective hedge from Yahweh, and therefore tempted Him in saying that only because of this, does Job love you. Our enemy knows winners and losers. He knows who to attack and why. Take heart little ones; we have an Intersessor as did Job and Peter, in Jesus.

You see, Peter didn't know Satan desired Him, but Jesus did. Job did not know that God had built a hedge of protection around him, but Satan did. Our enemy is a watcher of men of faith, one waiting to accuse and snare men, and not because of our weaknesses, and not because of our God, but because of our faith. Satan wants us to not believe Who we know. Surely, this battle was over well before it begun.

Take heart. We serve THE ONLY LIVING GOD. He hears us, speaks to us, for us and during times we are very unaware. He sees what we cannot. He knows our enemy Satan and how he operates. He knows the struggle trial and tribulation and says despite this "Be happy and joyful, I have conquered the world"

Satan is already defeated. Do not ever believe otherwise. His attacks are in desperation and are also; discerning. But our Lord hears and knows and does battle, even when we do not.

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