Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Every battle is spiritual

When David faced Goliath, a man so large he had an assistant hold his shield, it was a small smooth stone placed with just the right velocity and precision that killed the Philistine. To a young David, the giant from Gath was good as gone. Have you ever read the conversation he had with Goliath? His confidence and full assurance of victory was bound in faith in Jehovah:

1 Samuel 17: 46. This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel."

While every other soldier in Israel's army feared Goliath and ran from confrontation, it was a small shepherd boy who was too small to carry a sword who showed no fear and confronted Goliath. In fact, he was the only one in the camp of Israel truly offended and determined to uphold the Holy name of the living God in. David carried the sling and chose the stones, but it was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob guiding that rock to its perfect destination. For those believing in the Lord, even in a physical confrontation, the battle is fought and won spiritually. Faith won this fight. The battle today is real.

We face our own giants today, and for believers, the war is much broader in scope and scale. It begins with the first thought of your day till the amen said at your bedside, and it is going on worldwide right now in the Body of Christ. Welcome to the day of the Lord. Just take a look around at this self centered, wicked and immoral world and know your holiness and spiritual health mean life. We are in the final days and born for a time such as this. Spiritual warfare is here and it's intensity is increasing like birth pangs. I am speaking from personal experience and am in the midst of my own battle right now. Satan is using people places and things against us in a fury that has worn many down to their knees. But take heed and heart, our God has already gained victory over that old serpent and his crafty ways. Pray God exposes Satan's presence in your life lest his subtle ways gain mastery over you. This is spiritual warfare. Suit up soldier. The battle is real, but so is our awesome God who will empower you to certain victory in Jesus name.

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