Friday, March 23, 2018

Why men believe

  Throughout the history of man on earth, we have been instilled with the inherent knowledge that we were created, that there is something or someone out there larger than life. The first civilization to leave a historic footprint were the Sumerians, residing in the land of Sumer. These people existed and thrived in a city of millions prior to a global flood that befell our earth thousands of years ago. From this kingdom we have marked advancement from establishing the alphabet, mathematics, medicine and the wheel. They also had a belief system - they had religion, they revered the gods Baal and Molech whom they believed powered all things in life and in death on earth and sea. Their burial rituals as discovered by archeologists showed a culture that firmly believed in the afterlife.  Ask yourself this: Why did the first civilization to exist base their life and morality code on gods they could not see? Why was man born with this instinct to believe in the divine? Where did that come from? Why did early man believe in something unseen at all?

Fast forward 6000 years to 2015. After several failed attempts, the last civilization on earth to have no knowledge of the modern society around them were finally contacted by a small team of researchers in the vast jungle that borders Peru and Brazil, along the Amazon River. This area until then had been strictly protected by the government's of both nations so they could remain undistracted by the deforestation common in these areas. They were still naked and unaware of the crazy world existing around them. However, still living a basic life unattached to modernization, they had religion and reverence to a Creator. During the discourse to these natives, they passionately described to the investigators how after death, they go into the sky and live with all of mankind in the heavens. Ask yourself, how could this be so?  Where did these tribal living peoples get this idea, this same belief that the Sumerians held, that there was a grand creator existing somewhere in the sky?

   Now ask yourself, have you ever pondered somewhere in your own life, while gazing into a star filled sky, or sitting along peaceful waters, or moments down on your knees...are you out there God? When you hear the laughter of children or the song of a bird, the smell of a spring rain bringing life to the flowers, have you stopped to wonder just how all this beauty is born?  Have you looked in the mirror at the red in your eyes after drowning your sorrows in desperate living, why does this life treat me so? Why do we strive to fix all our messes, only to find that we cannot find such hope? To whom will you go when your life is all broken, when failure defines the path of your life?  Know that there's someone who's always been watching and waiting for you to just ask Him why. He sent of Himself a man we call Jesus, who carried God's words to a world needing saved. He's not religion he's just like a father, whose waiting to catch every tear that you make.

He is real.

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