Friday, March 23, 2018

Ain't got no willpower?

The molding of man's sin inherent willpower is the great struggle of flesh meeting Spirit. It needs constant, loyal conformity that can only be realized by the work of God's love in and through Jesus our Lord. It is a work that reflects Christ in you. This is where the clay, meets the potter. Sin will always be a thing we lean towards until we can fully adopt the mind of Christ. This entails a moment by moment, supernatural conversion of having thoughts and deeds mirroring God's will and individual handiwork in lives once marked by the stains of sin. We do not belong to this world, and our mind too, belongs to God, where our citizenship is aligned with His Kingdom. Changing our inclinations is a road called difficult, until we can fully submit to His perfect will. Herein lies the beginning of wisdom: fearing He who shapes our life and authors our faith. Abba Father we thank you.

As Grace and faith are gifts from above, so too is His will becoming manifest in our life. The will of man is sin, death and misery; lust, pride and personal gratification. God's will is to make his sons and daughters reflections of His only begotten Son. We become like Jesus when we give over our wants and desires to our Lord. We must repent of so many things that it can only be fully accomplished by Holy Spirit power. It's not within us in this life to just change our ways with resolve and permanence as it relates to God's righteous law and standard. It's noteworthy to acknowledge that God's word says the carnal mind brings about death, for having a carnal mind is the cornerstone and instigator of living a carnal life. We are what we think, we do what we think. Giving over our minds and its thoughts to God's will and purpose is realized by continual discipline and wisdom from above in Gods word, for we are born inclined to our own desires, and they are filthy before His throne.

Humility is essential in successfully realizing Christ fully within. Our pride will always work against the changes we must make in order to be the kind of vessel He desires us to be. My own stubborn attempts to resist God's work within me are ugly ashes of a life marred by sin. I hate that my deeds are still at times, totally against what God intends. It's shameful to replace His will with ours in the areas of secret sin that we try to drag along in our walk. The yoke He offers is kind and light, and by continually denying the finished work He attempts to create within us, we are adding weight to a yoke that belongs to us not. God's loyal loyal love, and the amazing patience found in His Grace has been for me, benchmark necessities in molding the hard heart of this man. I still carry some things that are against His word, and these represent the roots of the pride I pray he shatters and then rebuilds with His hands. There are things He has dissolved within me that only He could remove; they were above the level of obedience my weakened flesh and sinful pride could pull off. These become paths of pain, yet beacons in my testimony. The greatness of His goodness amazes me, and I am so very thankful for His making good from my bad. Only a living and loving creator could do that to a man. Tonight I pray Lord reveal the many things within me you seek to remove from my mind and heart, and guide me to your eternal waters. God please remove the roots of the desires inside of me that keep me from appearing as Your Son. Help me to know when it's you working in and out, the things I have carried on my journey, so I can be more thankful. Lord I beg you to finish this faith and remove the pride that denies your work and will in my life. May I be thankful in tribulation and sorrow, and may I be fully conformed to the image of your Son. May my name be rooted in Jesus name alone. Thank you Father for your love for me. Thank you for patiently shaping my life. Thank you for seeing within me what I cannot and never could. May my goodness be your greatness. Mold me to your will and make me a beautiful reflection of your grace, love and faithfulness, as you will in the name of Yeshuah. 

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