Friday, March 23, 2018

What if?

There is no large debate surrounding the historical and physical existence of Jesus of Nazareth. You won't see people holding signs on corners saying Jesus ain't real or Jesus can't save. Nobody is denying that He existed. He was and is, real. But what if what He said was...real?

  Those following the teachings of Buddah, Confucius and Mohammed live lives based upon the teachings of their prophet. They believe that what was said is true; true enough to shape individual lives,  kings, kingdoms and world history. These prophets have adherents that make pilgrimages across the globe, bow in prayer on cue and spend solitary lives on mountaintops in deep meditation and spiritual thought.  That being established, what about the words Jesus spoke? If we are to assign the same benchmark to each belief system based upon what was said and taught, where does that leave Jesus believers? It leaves them safe from the folly and limitations of all other belief systems men attach themselves to.  While other prophets claimed to speak wisdom and truth, Jesus said He was the truth. He claimed to be truth personified, the manifestation of God's spoken word. He claimed to speak, not His own words, but the words of Father, Creator God. If this is true, then it negates the need and exposes the the vanity of every other faith. It trumps any lasting wisdom manifest in other faiths, for it is the very creator of these other prophets, speaking through His word made flesh to the world, teaching Himself as being the only way.  That means these other prophets were teaching their followers their own wisdom, and imagine how limited and incomplete this would be in comparison to their divine creator's infinite knowledge. These faiths die upon mens death, but if you believe Jesus, its only the beginning. The reason other religions exist, in light of this revealing, is because their adherents have not heard and do not know the words spoken by Jesus, the savior of the world.

   Telling other people about Jesus is more than saying, Jesus loves you. It Is revealing to them the truth contained in His spoken word. These are the letters of life eternal. They are everlasting water, bread and meat to those reading and believing in them. Jesus changed Rome, whores and demon posessed men just by what He said. His wisdom is divine by its own interpretation and effect. We should be on our rooftops shouting to the world that Its savior has already spoken. We should be our in the alleys and gutters speaking life to the lowly. We should be without hesitation revealing Christ Jesus to everyone we meet. We should be navigating our steps towards those whose life too could be transformed by His words. We should be telling the world, it's savior has risen.

What If we did?

1 comment:

  1. In reality, there are only 2 religions: Orthodox Christianity and the worship of man. In the final analysis, ALL worldviews, with the SINGLE exception of ORTHODOX Christianity (i.e. Biblical Christianity, the faith handed down through the ages) are worldviews that worship man, that make man as the measure of all things and the end of all things. Placing ultimate faith in man is sheer folly. Sola fide, sola Scriptura, solus Christus, sola gratia, Soli Deo Gloria.
