Friday, March 23, 2018

Loving and fearing God.

As a kid, it was hard for me to grasp God loving me and yet, me fearing Him. Who enjoys being afraid? Why did I need to fear a God who is love? I didn't know His ways then and I can't speak for all of them now. But really, I was much too young then to know that fear begat wisdom, and life would be much about unpleasant discipline being a straightened path towards right living. I'm still learning this lesson in the present; the beauty of learned obedience. We don't worship God in a Spirit of fear. Rather, it's with humility and gratitude for giving us things more powerful than fear: like mercy, hope, faith and love. The fruits of Godly fear will fuel the fires of holiness and water the flames of our flesh.

How wretched we must appear in our rags without the mediation and representation of He Who bore our scars, by Whose stripes we were healed. We are nobody's really, just mouthpieces burdened to a kind yoke of freedom and righteousness. It's not self righteousness. We haven't done anything good without God's goodness being somehow involved. Where there is sanctification, let Him be so glorified. For me, I tell you, only Father God could change this mess into any kind of message.

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