Friday, March 23, 2018

From the beginning...

While meditating upon the law covenant established by The Lord through Moses, I pondered why Yahweh would author laws written to a stubborn and proud nation, knowing it would be a yoke unbearable to assume? The answer is simple: For His glory to be fully realized through His Son Christ Jesus; Yeshuah. The redemption of man by His prophetically fulfilled appearance brought grace and mercy to a people's formerly chained to the penalties required under God's holy-perfect standard. It wasn't a set up for man to fail, it was a clear path culminating in God's logos manifest in Yeshuah. Israel's heart and soul as a nation foreshadows the hardened nature of the hearts of all mankind. We need salvation but lack humility.

The story of the nation of Israel echoes on in the individual lives of those seeking to be redeemed from a fallen, sinful self. We are born in captivity and desperately need a savior; someone to lead us out. Freed from enslavement, we often wander in our wilderness seeking the way to a land of promise and blessing, learning the pathway to our destiny is rife with sorrow and tribulation. Narrow was the road then as it remains today. The broad road of the wilderness these Hebrews wandered in for 40 years tested and sifted the faithful and worthy among them. Of the millions of Israelites who sought the promised refuge and prosperity Cannan offered, only 2 entered. Joshua and Caleb. In God's wisdom, so complete and perfect, the men who entered into the promised land names mean this when combined: God's Salvation comes through Jesus to those of whole heart. Braided within the story of Israel's redemption is the saving power of God's mercy to those whose heart's wholly belong to His Son. Jesus was then and is now, the way to eternal life in a place promised by our God, no other name will ever do.

From the beginning the end of things was already established and accomished by Almighty God, for in the Garden of Eden it was already spoken. Adam and Eve were banned from eating of the tree of life that stood in glory within the sight of their eyes. That tree was Jesus, whose fruit offered mankind life eternal. This tree stood by the fountains of waters that too, represented Jesus Christ and His words of eternal life. Satan's end was already foretold and sealed the very day he spoke lies to God's children. From the beginning, man needed salvation and God emptied of Himself the Words that would change this world. From the beginning God has been restoring His plan and purpose, defeating the lie that we could be like God and in His wisdom, allowed the story of man to be rooted in redemption and His love for His creation. From the beginning, you have been known by your maker, each thought and deed, arranged by Holy Spirit to take back a people rightfully belonging to Him from the beginning.

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