Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Truth

I was raised in a Jehovah's Witness home. It was what defined my life back then. Being a Jehovah's Witness. I was ashamed of that at times, embarrassed even, no Holidays and being pulled out of school every time those days and times came around; knocking on doors on a Saturday morning in neighborhoods that my peers dwelt in. It made me callous to the adversity that came with that belief. However, I was certain that my folks and by proxy me, were the only ones that had the truth. It was many times worth the struggle and contempt, because when Armageddon came, I would be proved true. All of us Witnesses would. I felt sorry for those that didn't take my Watchtower and Awake magazines. Looking back, I had never been lower, and never more asleep.

  Faith is a gift. That's what the Bible says. Grace, this too is a gift. So is knowing God personally. Just ask Peter. He never believed that Jesus was Messiah until Yahweh personally told him. Look It up for yourself. Faith and belief is not a birthright. It's not a physical knock on your front door. It's spiritual and exists outside ANY religion. It changes your heart and therefore it changes everything else about you. It's not a religion you have to belong to. It is a relationship you are invited into. On February 23, 2014, I accepted that invite. How could I not!!! His voice inside my being surpassed every belief I ever believed that up till then. I can no longer be silent about this. 

It turned out to be a relationship. I was so wrong.  I knocked on 1 million doors and heard no! He knocked on my door and yes was the only answer I could muster. It's been the same ever since.

  I am no longer tossed about the waves of the sea we live upon. I have always had a Rock. If this world ended today, I am not afraid. I KNOW HE KNOWS ME, and that for me is enough. It always will be. For relationship will always trump any religion. You cannot unknow this. JESUS is the Way and The Truth and The Life and no man can saw asunder this reality. I cannot deny Him. I can deny everything else in my life but that. That's what The Truth does. It exposes every lie, therefore conforming you to truth. I am so grateful, and very very unworthy of this. Like I'm on a watchtower, I am now awake. So are many like me. I am not special. 

  I am now shunned and distanced from most of my immediate family. It's not really a big deal to me because of that knocking on my door that I answered trumps decades of indoctrination and deception. One second in Yahweh's presence exposes everything right from left. I now pray for them. It's not a choice I made, it's one they made when one trusts man over God. Period.

 It's not thier fault though. Like Jehovah said; faith was a gift, and that faith is only through His Son. We are no longer a slave to religion, but a servant unto our Messiah Savior Redeemer Rescuer Truth Love Life Way and eternal salvation always. God's word in Jesus. No scripture says otherwise.

'...I came to divide Father against Son, mother against daughter...'  Jesus said that. Not Jehovah. 'You will be witnesses of me..." Jesus said that too. Whose voice will we hear that will awaken all alseep in death, commanding us to rise? Who has now all authority over all things? Why should ALL honor the Father as they do the Son? I am quoting scripture here. Who has the name above all names? Who is going to Judge you? Whose kingdom is to come? Who died for you and yet lives? 

Religion is the hands of earth reaching into the heavens. Relationship is the hands of God, reaching out to you. 

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