Sunday, December 23, 2018

Other people's souls


Jesus passion and pain, His humility and the cross He bore was so because God so loved the world. That is our mission and our commission. That too is our ultimate aim; to consider this world's inhabitants our neighbor and love them so. We must deny our self because this life is not about our self, it's about others. Period. Full maturity in Christ will be reflected in how we view others long before we worry about our needs and wants, for in pursuing Truth, these things are already taken care of.

  The life of a vessel is to carry water to the thirsty; our cup has already been filled. We must with Kingdom intent view the salvation of others as passionately as we do our very own being, more important than our breath. We must adhere to a holy life because we have been set apart by God for others and not our self. It is imperative that we see the story of our lives being a novel that reads about someone who was born for other people. The cross that we bear is to follow Christ without apprehension or regret, come what may. It is the time of great harvest, and that is all that matters. Other people matter, not us anymore.

May it be so.

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