Sunday, July 15, 2018

Spiritual growth.


The tree of life. We find in God's Word this tree in Genesis and Revelation (Genesis 3:24- Revelation 2:7). The same tree guarded by angels from Adam and Eve in Genesis, blocking them from regaining the eternal life they lost because of sin,  is the same tree that overcame and overcoming men stream to for eternal life in Revelation. We are the seeds, Jesus is the tree and God's Anointed Truth be the waters. Spiritual growth is not born of men or originated from anything in and of this world. Faith and grace are both gifts, and the tree of life is a right obtained by obedience:

 "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." -Revelation 22:14. Lord Jesus Christ is the gate that we must go through. Its a narrow way that the Good Shepherd leads us to.

  To be more spiritual, be more obedient. Deny yourself daily. When we let go of those things that please our fleshly temple, we obtain a spiritual reward far more valuable than anything of this world. It comes from above. Spiritual growth is not initiated by reading the bible and acquiring more knowledge or praying ourselves breathless, it is only by washing our robes white. We can prepare ourselves for growing in Spirit by constantly dying to ourself and denying the desires of our flesh, thereby presenting to God a vessel worthy and ready to be filled with His waters. We cannot expect more intamacy with our Father by holding onto things pleasing our fleshly and carnal bodies and minds. For me personally, this can be a moment by moment active and proactive struggle. We lie to ourself if we are not denying ourself daily. Every annointed believer in Christ will have to do this sun up to sun down in being conformed to the image of God's Son. It's the will of the Spirit against the will of the flesh, and its a war being fought right now in realms spiritual and physical; individually. If you are at peace with God, move forward into tribulation. The joy in our Lord is in the trials, not around them. 

 Knowledge doesn't make us more spiritual, neither does bible study or reading a blog like this. Getting knee deep in church activity won't help you either. These things may make you appear spiritual, but thats what the Pharisees did. Spiritual growth is an act of God.  Our spiritual growth is paralell to our comittment to being like Jesus; being doers and not hearers alone. The internal still voice within that we know is God is often the one we pretend we do not hear, because it is the one that is telling  us to let go of something we really don't want to, or moving us where we don't want to be. But we have a cross to carry, a pathway of tribulation, and a burden to exchange in Christ Jesus. Being more spiritual is being more obedient, for that is God's response to us when we act upon what we know we ought to be doing. It individual, personal and different for us all. It is a battle we wage in a war that's been won, and only by our Father can we be like His Son.

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