Monday, June 25, 2018

Seeking His Righteousness.

  As vessels, we are emptied to be filled and fulfilled. If The Holy Spirit be in you, you belong to another and one another in Christ. It is such a gift to be given faith, and at its root we are given that gift, not for our redemption alone. Salvation and mercy are not to be kept silent. We have a story to tell, and to contain it is impossible. We have become the mouthpieces of an eternal good news; unlikely ambassadors proclaiming His testimony to sinners in darkness. That is where He found us and who we once were. Seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness are imperative partners in becoming the vessel God's perfect will intended us to be.


I'm going to get personal here: I am historically proud and stubborn, even recently. They have been such impediments to the growth and life in faith I truly have sought. I can look in my mirror and see the stain of sins I once loved. This world scars one to humility. I've got marks inside and out. The path to lasting real abandon and change for me has turned into some hard fought victories for this reason...ministry. His Kingdom. It is a beautiful motivator for holiness. What kind of vessel do I long to be?

My greatest joy nowadays, and I mean this deeply divinely originated happiness is when I am led to another's ears and heart with purpose and truth, planting seeds and sharing my testimony and just loving people beyond what I thought discipleship would ever be. This has been the catalyst beyond Godly fear that motivates me in my secret chambers within towards real change: other peoples souls. It as if we have been gifted with new eyes that see people for who they are without judgement, and who they can be without restraint. It is unwavering and compassionate. We see us in them and see them in us. Who the lost can be in Christ...its the most beautiful thing I have ever ever ever known. God's love in and through His Son is without compare.  It makes me cry and laugh to see and know that the love we have for those in darkness is Christ within, using our pieces to bring others such peace and meaning.

I want to be clean and holier today for the hearts of others, not just my own. I feel like my valleys and wilderness have been largely self created when my walk is centered on my own redemption, knowledge and grace. Seeking His Kingdom is to seek righteousness for the sake of others. We desire men to have a personal and Spirit empowered relationship with our Father through Jesus the Savior of sinners. The holier the life, the brighter our light will be. Knowing this, what kind of vessel shall we choose to be?

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