Wednesday, April 11, 2018

In church or in Christ

It's the year 40 and and so far, no churches have been built. For the next 300 years, there would be no church building going on or bibles running off a press in multiple languages. All they had was all they needed: God's Word and Holy Spirit. They were not in church, they were in Christ. God's word had been written deep upon their hearts, and the minds of these crusading pioneers had been transformed into new creations. All of this without the internet, electric and mass transit. Soon the earth would be covered with the Gospel Jesus taught His followers, and not one of them saw the need to build houses of worship. The days of temple worship and animal sacrifices were over, and the organic, divine nature of assembly replaced the former. They were in Christ Jesus, filled with Holy Spirit, gifted with faith and saved by grace. Nothing more was necessary, except for decent sandals and a brother to accompany you in ministry. In hindsight I wonder, have churches really progresse or regressed since the early first century? Does the Body of Christ need a marketing strategy, a church planter and catchy music to win converts? These men were commanded to make disciples, and Holy Spirit was both guide and tutor in this regard. And let's be clear, the power of the gospel changed the world, and it was a very simple teaching. It was a matter of fact kind of rhetoric to a generation of religious zealots and left in the trustworthy hands of common uneducated imperfect men to deliver. Holy Spirit established and built what early disciples could simply not be quiet about. When the Lord is the one adding to His Church, He can commission a deniar, a doubter, a Pharisee and a tax collector. The message was always the same because the source never changed. That's the beauty of what Jesus taught, it makes everyone beautiful, inside out. I believe the simplicity of The Gospel has been increasingly molded and ammended over 2000 years to comfortably fit an ever changing, morally ambiguous audience. It has no power or authority upon the hearer, for it is not being carried out by believers who properly see that relationship replaced the traditions men so valued in religion. The way to life was not by being righteous and Holy anymore to the letter of the Law and it's ordinances, it was by the seed of faith alone that one was counted worthy, establishing works as a work of God and not men. Christ Jesus became the way to truth and life, negating the need for boasting about how good we have been. God is good. We are not. Any goodness belonging to us as viewed in His eyes is a divinely originated gift. 

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