Friday, March 23, 2018

Strangers in heaven.

   The marker that defines Christ within you is Agape love. This love by definition does not originate from the flesh of man. It is not the goodness of our hearts being manifest to others. Agape love is God loving people through people. It does not belong to us. It's divine origin is solely intended towards those whom he seeks to let them know He is there and for a purpose. We are simply vessels of clay, shaped and molded for a purpose and reason that reaches far beyond our limited comprehension. It's supernatural and miraculous, and often found in the small and random acts of kindness we do without regard for any return. It's agenda is to knock on the hearts of men to bring them to a place where they can fully submit to the knowledge of His salvation in Jesus Christ. It is the God who created all things loving someone from a billion miles away.

There will be a day when all men great and small will stand before the throne of God Almighty and render account for the life they lived. Those who will enter into His Kingdom will be those who loved the broken, lost and scattered souls tossed about this world in Jesus name. They will be believers in God's Son, full of faith and love. They will absolutely not be religious, proud or self righteous. They will also be the people who were touched by God's amazing love by someone who once themselves just needed to know that somehow, God loved them and life now had purpose. We all have a purpose despite our many paths. Love all the way wherever you walk.

So love somebody if you can, and do so in Jesus name. It means everything to be something to someone who feels like they are nothing. The Kingdom to come will be filled with a whole bunch of nobodys.

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