There was a time where I thought that people hearing from God was absolutely a nonsense, non starter kind of notion. Obviously there are bigger things than small people for a big Father above to worry about. This one thing is something I have been quite wrong about. I'll tell you a story about two sinners who believe now otherwise. Antoine and I. He is my brother now. We have Always been family.
So is am at work and I hear The Voice of my Father telling me to approach a new guy at work and ask him if he is a believer. This is a place that His voice is heard inside of a man that only God can access. You can't deny it, you shall listen and obey. So I went ahead and approached Antoine, a once OG and asked him if he believed in the Lord. Turns out he wasn't just a believer. Antoine was a follower. I was so happy that I had found myself a new member of my family. We became close. That's what God does. His sheep hear His voice and become, one flock.
Antoine turns out had some weight on his back, prison time hanging over his head. That's a big deal to a free man. To any man. Freedom. As our relationship grew he came to a place where he had to get this weight off of his back. So one day, Antoine made the call and necessary arrangements and turned himself in. And He did. It couldn't have been easy. Sacrificing the temporal for what one knows is eternal. But that's what Antoine did. It was a good day.
Today was also a good day. I talked to him today as a a free man after many conversations over mail and prison phone time. He got through it. A better man. A more faithful, appreciative and sound of mind and purpose driven kind of man. He has become an anchor now to my own faith, and it's important that he knows that. His faith now strengthening my own. Iron sharpens iron. Brother helping brother.
I say all of that to say this. If you ever get the compelling in your spirit to speak about our Father and His it. For what lies beyond that is a rich reward that will have eternal implications. The name of our Savior is a common bond that cannot be denied or silenced. His name has lasting value to the most unlikely of men. Antoine and I can now speak about this one day where we became brothers forever because of God's supernatural love.
Today was a good day.